Monday, January 25, 2010

A little insight...

in to what I meant when I said I would blog about things that I love.

These things include, but are not limited to: a bed full of big squishy down pillows, road trips, the sound of little kids laughing, all laughter in general, music!, finding forgotten money in pockets, dancing in the rain (if it's warm out), the color red, black and white photography, hot soup on a cold day, bubble baths, singing in the car, singing all the time, dance parties with my husband, traveling, eating!, Europe, behavior analysis, home decor, potatoes in any form, watching sappy girl movies, crying during sappy girls movies, waking up and seeing perfectly white untouched snow on the ground (but having the option to stay inside in the warmth), college football (go Noles!), being in the sunshine, freshly squeezed orange juice, soft sheets, snow cones, beautiful smiles, smiling all the time, pralines and cream ice cream, working out, my dog, chapstick, sushi, being around fun people, good beer and wine, cuddling during thunderstorms, fireplaces, hot chocolate in the winter (or really during any season), fashion, the smell of spring, the colors of fall, avocados, live music, people-watching, summer nights, star-filled skies, the moon, people with good memories, wrapping presents, cooking!, the food network, pottery barn, top chef, the sunrise in Hawaii, the sunset in Italy, spontaneous people, intelligent people, low-rise jeans, candles, riding my motorcycle, HGTV, life, and being in love.

You'll find me writing about many of the above... but probably mostly about cooking, fashion, home decor, music, and... life.


  1. FWIW, I had the biggest crush on Kevin from last season's Top Chef. I don't trust chefs who aren't a little hefty. like I wouldn't trust someone to do my hair if their hair was gross. haha

  2. Aww... Kevin was definitely my favorite from last season! I heart him. Partially b/c he was awesome, and partially b/c he reminds me of my hubs... with the reddish/brownish beard and hair and all.
